After the first in vitro fertilisations in 1978, patiens were instructed strict bed rest during 48 hours. We have gone a long way since; we have been knowing for many years that bed rest after embryo transfer does not confer any advantage in terms of pregnancy rate. Still, many IVF groups - including us - offered the patient a (psychological) period of rest to handle the intense emotions of embryo transfer ...
... until the high-quality scientific study from Valencia (Spain) was published. Now the situation is different: standing up after embryo transfer produces more pregnancies than staying in bed.
As for the reasons for this, two different hypotheses are being put forward:
We implemented those findings immediately and successfully in 2014. After embryo transfer, the patient will sit up, have a chat with myself and leave the clinic without rush. I encourage the couples to have a meditative walk before resuming their daily life activities.